Western Monarch Butterflies are in Trouble

But YOU can help!

Planting California native milkweeds and nectar plants while avoiding pesticide use in your home garden and landscape is an easy way to support pollinators. The Monarch Fellowship is a volunteer network of passionate native gardeners and pollinator enthusiasts who grow milkweed and nectar plants that are native to California’s diverse regions to give away for free in their communities.

Find Free Milkweed and Nectar Plants

Monarch Fellowship Community Hubs provide free narrowleaf milkweed and California native nectar plants for free to their surrounding communities. You can search for a Hub near you on our Hub list or using our interactive Google Map at the link below.

If you are unable to find a Hub listed near you, we suggest joining our Facebook Group to connect directly with one of our Hubs. It’s also a great place to share photos of plants in your garden that you received from a Monarch Fellowship Hub and ask native gardening questions of experts in your region.

Find out how to start your own Hub

A Monarch Fellowship Community Hub is any person, group or organization that’s willing to grow seeds provided by Monarch Fellowship to a transplantable size and distribute their seedlings to members of the surrounding community.

Milkweed is just the beginning…

Plant a garden of native plants and you can help all butterflies in addition to birds and wild bees in your area.

Let nature rock your garden.
By planting native plants and flowers instead of the typical ornamental (and often invasive) plants commonly found at most nurseries and garden store, you can you plant a thriving eco system right in your yard or patio .

Continue learning about California native plants and their vital role in restoring nature from your local chapter of the California Native Plant Society (CNPS). CNPS Chapters host annual native plants sales and educational events year round. In addition the CNPS also maintains the CalScape website, a database of California native plant information.

Helping Monarchs helps all pollinators

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