Seedling Recipient Email Collection

In an effort to better connect with our seedling recipients and aid our Native Plant Hubs in providing information, we are asking that Hub Managers collect emails from the recipients of seedlings grown as part of the Monarch Fellowship initiative. In exchange for providing their email, recipients will receive an initial outreach email containing links to planting instructions, important information for planning pollinator gardens and an opt in for the Monarch Fellowship mailing list. Additionally, seedling recipients can also expect a survey 6-8 months after they receive their seedlings to help us evaluate the effectiveness of our current programs. We encourage our Hub Managers and volunteers to let their plant recipients know that we aren’t signing them up for a mailing list, nor will we contact them seeking donations etc. It is simply to help connect us with seedling recipients directly and hopefully take some of the burden off of our hubs to print flyers to hand out during giveaways.

We expect this program to launch by July 2024.
Hub Managers are under no obligation to collect emails at this time.
Although links and forms may be live, the emails and survey to be sent out are still under development.

Online Collection Form

We have created an online form to aid in email collection. Hub Managers can access the form via the link provided on their personal device to collect emails during giveaways. Additionally, we have provided a simple letter size “Table Talker“ with an easy to scan QR code that links to the form to make it easy for multiple volunteers to take information or so that recipients can enter their own information on their device.

Printable Email Collection Form

If you live in an area where limited service may make using an online form during a giveaway difficult, or have limited access to technology, we have provided the following PDFs to aid in email collection.

We prefer if you submit the emails that you collect manually via the Online Form above, but in the event that is not possible, please take a clear photograph or scan of the form and submit it to